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Welcome to Better Built Garages & Doors

Our Wide Range of Services

Better Built Lumber & Supply, Inc. is a full service design and construction company focusing on garages of all sizes, styles and materials. At Better Built, there is no middle-man, we own our own lumber yard. Therefore, we are able pass on that savings directly to our customers.

New Garages
Garage Doors
Lumber & Building Materials
White garage door in Chicago, IL

No Garage Is Too Large, Small, or Unusual for Our Experienced Construction Crews

Family-owned and operated since 1956, we have completed thousands of construction projects. Whether you are looking for a new garage you can count on Better Built to deliver a superior product. From start to finish, our team of professionals will be there to provide you with the excellent service that has been the foundation of our business for over 60 years.

Customer Reviews

Contact Us for a Free Estimate