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A garage in Chicago, IL, surrounded by a thick layer of snow on the driveway, highlighting the winter season

Winter can be tough on garages, but with proper preparation, you can keep your space safe, functional, and comfortable throughout winter. Here are some essential tips to help you winterize your garage effectively.

  1. Garage Insulation for Winter

  • Insulating your garage is one of the best ways to help the cold out.
  • Proper insulation can prevent heat loss and protect any items stored inside.
  • Consider insulating walls, ceilings, and garage doors. Adding weatherstripping to doors and windows can also help by reducing drafts.
  1. Cold Weather Garage Prep – Heating Solutions

  • Adding a heating source can make your garage more comfortable and protect sensitive items from freezing temperatures.
  • Portable heaters, radiant floor heating, or mini-split systems are excellent options.
  • When selecting a heating solution, consider the size of your garage and your budget.
  1. Winter-Proof Garage Doors

  • Garage doors are often the most significant source of heat loss.
  • Choose insulated garage doors to provide a barrier against the cold.
  • Make sure that the door seals are intact and consider upgrading to weather resistant materials for better protection.
  1. Garage Weatherproofing

  • Sealing gaps and cracks is an effective way to prevent cold air from seeping into your garage.
  • Focus on sealing around windows, doors, and the foundation.
  • Use caulk or foam sealants to fill in any gaps that could let in moisture and cold air.
  1. Winter Garage Organization and Storage Solutions

  • A well-organized garage is easier to maintain during the winter months.
  • Utilize wall-mounted racks, shelving units, and storage cabinets to keep items off the floor and protected from moisture.
  • Create designated zones for tools, equipment, and seasonal items to maximize space and accessibility.
  1. Winter Maintenance for Your Garage

  • Regular maintenance is vital for keeping your garage safe and functional in winter.
  • Inspect garage doors, heating systems and insulation regularly to catch any issues early.
  • Keep a shovel, salt, or sand handy for quick snow and ice removal around the garage entrance.

Following these winter maintenance tips can keep your garage in top shape throughout the season. Better Built Garages offers comprehensive maintenance and repair services to help you keep your garage in top shape.


Preparing your garage for winter in Chicagoland doesn’t have to be complicated. With these practical tips on insulation, heating, weatherproofing, and organization, you can transform your garage into a safe and functional space no matter how cold it gets.

Where to Find Help

Better Built Garages & Doors has been a trusted family-owned garage design and construction company since 1956. We specialize in garages of all styles and sizes, using high-quality materials directly from our own lumber yard to provide cost savings to our customers. With over 60 years of experience and thousands of completed projects, our team delivers superior craftsmanship and service. From small sheds to large custom garages, we make sure that every project meets the highest standards.

For more information or to schedule a free estimate, contact us today!