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Efficient Garage Door Installation in Chicago, IL

If you want to update your existing garage with a safer, beautiful, fully operational door or you’re planning a new home construction, you can rely on the team at Better Built Garages & Doors. Since 1956, we’ve been among the leading providers of detached garage door installation in Chicago, IL, and surrounding areas. We’re renowned for our years of exceptional service in the local area and for providing the highest quality products from top manufacturers. We’re involved at every step of the process, from planning to applying the finishing touches on your installation. We will provide you, your family, and your property with a door that will last for years to come.

Efficient Garage Door Installation in Chicago, IL

The Benefits of a New Garage Door Installation

We provide excellent replacements for unsafe, damaged, or dysfunctional doors and can provide installations for new garage construction. Here are a few of the advantages a new installment can provide you:

  • Curb Appeal: Modern garage doors come in a wide range of styles, colors, materials, and finishes. A new installation can dramatically improve your home’s curb appeal, making it look more contemporary and well-maintained.
  • Increased Safety: New garage door installations have advanced safety features that are unavailable in older models. They often incorporate security features like locking mechanisms and integration to deter break-ins.
  • Less Maintenance: Older garage doors made from wood or metal may require regular maintenance, including painting, sanding, or rust removal. Many new garage doors are made from composite materials that withstand the elements better.

Trust Professional Garage Door Installers

If you’re considering doing your garage door installation yourself without prior knowledge or experience, we encourage you to reconsider. Hiring professionals like those at Better Built Garages & Doors will provide the following:

  • Knowledge and Experience: Professional installers have the necessary expertise and experience to ensure that garage doors are installed correctly.
  • Safety: We are trained to install doors safely, significantly reducing the risk of accidents and injuries that could occur from DIY attempts.
  • Cost Efficiency: Though installing a garage door alone or with unqualified help might seem cost-effective, any mistakes made during the installation can lead to additional costs and wasted time.

Install a New Garage Door Today

Our team helps customers choose and install the finest garage doors and accessories. Our product line is sourced from innovative brands, and many feature advanced technology. They are manufactured with top-quality lumber and building materials, so you can rest assured that your garage door will remain robust and resilient for years. Choose from one of the following garage door types, and our team will gladly install it with the highest level of service:

  • Residential garage doors
  • Roll-up doors
  • Sectional garage doors
  • SmartHome garage doors
  • Garage door lock and opener installation
  • Safety and home security installations

New Garage Door Installations and More

We offer a wide range of garage and door services along with replacement and installation services. Here’s what we can do for you:

  • Garage Refacing: We update and change the exterior facade of existing garage to enhance their appearance, improve curb appeal, and potentially increase property value.
  • Garage Door Openers: We service damaged or malfunctioning garage door openers and upgrade them to ensure they are in optimal condition.
  • Sales and Service: We provide knowledge and teach customers how to operate their garage doors, openers, locks, and accessories so they can control them easily and conveniently.

Why Choose Better Built Garages & Doors

When it comes to installing a garage door, you want the best team on the job. We recommend considering us because we can deliver the following:

  • In-House Quality: Since we handle all phases of the installation, there are no middlemen. This allows us to provide superior quality and prices that fit your budget.
  • Seasoned Pros: We’ve been in business since 1956. We’re a dedicated team of elite professionals with years of experience and skill in small and large-scale jobs.
  • Satisfaction Guaranteed: We’ve earned a sterling reputation for our commitment to quality. We’re proud of our work and offer a personal guarantee of excellence.

Get a New Garage Door Today!

Don’t take our word for it! We encourage you to view our photo gallery and see the excellent results we’ve delivered for countless homeowners throughout Chicago, IL. We will start you off with a free consultation. We will meet with you to learn the details of your upcoming project, such as its size and scope. This will enable us to provide a quote showing the materials and labor needed to make your project successful. Contact us today to get started on your garage door remodel, renovation, or new build. We’ll bring your dream garage to life.

No Garage Is Too Large, Small or Unusual for Our Experienced Construction Crews