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The Essential Guide to Garage Site Evaluation

Planning to build the garage of your dreams? Please think of us as your trusty detective agency, here to sleuth out the best spot in your backyard for that perfect build. With Better Built Garages on the case, no soil test goes unexamined, and no drainage issue is unaddressed. Let’s uncover the secrets of a stellar site evaluation, making sure your garage stands tall and proud, solving mysteries one assessment at a time.

A house with a driveway and grass

Why Garage Site Evaluation Matters

Building a new garage or remodeling one is difficult and involves serious planning. A detailed evaluation of a garage site will provide the necessary information to make proper decisions about the location, design, and construction of a new or remodeled garage, attached or detached.

Looking at a garage site also helps you understand the local zoning laws and building codes, which go through radical changes depending on where you reside and may impact something like the size of the garage and where it would sit on your lot. Site evaluation may also uncover possible problems, such as tree roots or underground utilities, that can make building more difficult. In proper evaluation, one can avoid surprise costs and delays, thus making the process easier.

Steps in a Complete Site Check for Garage

Before that tremendous new garage is built, let’s go through some critical steps for a site assessment, the first meetings up to permit pulling. Each step will ensure your garage is built on sound ground, both physically and figuratively. Here are what you can expect when shooting for a great garage:

  • Initial Consultation: Our experts consult with you to discuss your ideas and requirements. We discuss your preferences, budget, and special needs, which helps us design a customized site visit.
  • Site Analysis: We are checking the site to verify its suitability for garage construction. This will include soil conditions, drainage, and accessibility. Soil tests are conducted to determine whether the site will support the structure.
  • Site Surveying: Detailed surveying of the garage site shows the exact size and shape of the planned garage. The survey helps envision the final building and how it will fit on the property.
  • Permitting and Approvals: Navigating the maze of permits and regulations can be daunting. Our team can assist with obtaining necessary permits and approvals from local authorities in Chicago, IL, so that your project complies with all local codes and regulations.

Garage Location Analysis: Key Determinants

Setting up your garage is not precisely about picking up a spot with no occupation. Still, it is a well-thought-out decision involving many essential factors: soil stability, drainage, access, and environmental impact. Here are some things to bear in mind to ensure your garage is as functional as it is stylish:

  • Soil Stability: The ground should support the structure’s weight. Our soil tests assess stability and help make informed recommendations. Unstable soil causes foundation defects, which are relatively expensive to rectify later.
  • Drainage: Good drainage eliminates problems with water and your foundation. We make a plan to handle the rainwater. A sound drainage system keeps your garage and its surroundings safe.
  • Accessibility: This check measures how easily accessible the garage is from your home and the street to ensure convenience and safety. This becomes an essential factor if the garage is frequently used or serves as one of the main entrances to your house.
  • Utility Connections: The proximity to utility connections such as electricity, water, and gas. This good planning ensures that your garage serves you excellently and suits your needs.
  • Environmental Impact: This considers how your garage building affects the environment, engaging you in better decision-making. We believe in tree cutting, soil erosion, and keeping natural habitats safe.

Advantages of Professional Garage Site Evaluation

A professional garage site evaluation allows one to have a definite plan for the project. Our professionals identify potential challenges early so that one can make solutions right on time, preventing delays, reducing costs, and ensuring a successful result by providing the needed solution before it becomes problematic. Hiring experts to evaluate a garage site gives one peace of mind. You will be sure that each part has been carefully planned and scrutinized, making the construction process much smoother and the building much firmer.

Keep Your Garage Pristine with Better Built Garages

Ready to begin the checking process at your garage site? If so, this is the right time to call Better Built Garages, Chicago, IL, for professional site reviews and to build a garage to last. Our pledged team provides comprehensive reviews to construct the way to successful construction. Contact us today and give your dream garage a head start. Let us sweat the details while you watch your idea materialize.

No Garage Is Too Large, Small or Unusual for Our Experienced Construction Crews